Flexible Protection Plans

Flexible Protection Plans are easy, convenient, and designed to save you money. Whether you forgot to write a check in your register, had a business place a hold using your debit card, or simply had to make a purchase today even though payday wasn’t for another week -- these plans are here to make sure you are covered.

Assurance Savings Plan

The Assurance Savings Plan is ideal for customers that have funds in a Savings Account and would prefer to earn interest, rather than pay interest.

A transfer is made automatically from your MNB Savings Account to provide funds as you need them.

This service is free, as long as the Savings Account balance does not fall below $1,000.  Otherwise, $2.50 each month the minimum is not maintained and a per-withdrawal fee of $.50 for each withdrawal after the third withdrawal. Transfers will be made in increments of $100.

Assurance Credit Plan

With the Assurance Credit Plan, funds advance automatically from your MNB Assurance Line of Credit to provide funds as you need them.

An annual fee of $30.00 as well as 18% APR (Annual Percentage Rate) interest is charged on all advanced funds beginning on the date of the advance.

Advances will take place in increments of $300.00 until all available funds are advanced.

Assurance Transfer Plan

With the Assurance Transfer Plan, a transfer is made automatically from the attached account, to provide funds as you need them.

Transfers are $1.00 per automatic transfer, as well as the regular fees for that account type and transfers will be made in increments of $100.